Are You a Feeler? Discerning of Spirits E-Course (MP4)
Are You a Feeler?
Discerning of Spirits E-Course
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This is 7 video and audio sessions from Matt's mentoring course on discerning of spirits.
Includes: Teaching, Q&A, Prayer & Impartation
A “feeler” is someone who has an intuitive spirit that has a sensitivity to things in the spirit realm. They tend to feel things and be more aware of the invisible world. In this course I will teach you how to operate in this gift in a life giving way.
Topics Covered:
Understanding the gift of discernment.
What are the different ways we can discern in the spirit.
Understanding how your spiritual senses operate.
Understanding the different types of discernment including the discerning of demons, angels, the human spirit and the Holy Spirit.
What are the main purposes of discernment.
What do you do with discernment when you get it.
How to receive discernment from God.
Understanding your authority in the spirit realm to deal with and stop demonic activity.
How to loose angels on assignment.
How to operate from the glory with the gift of discernment.
How not to come under demonic oppression.
How to operate in discerning of spirits in a balanced way.
How discerning of spirits and deliverance operates in healing ministry.
How to deal with the roots so there is permanent change and freedom.
The importance of renewing and sanctifying the imagination.
Guarding the gates of your soul to keep demonic activity out of your life.
How to effectively pray through demonic oppression and shut the doors to the enemy in your life.
And Much More!
Session Titles:
Foundations in Discernment
How to Overcome Oppression
Four Types of Discernment
The Purpose of Discernment
Discerning of Spirits in Healing & Deliverance Ministry
Ways You Receive Discernment
Q & A
Each session includes teaching, personal stories and encounters, secrets Matt has learned in his life and ministry and a time of prayer and impartation. This is great for people who want to learn more about the gift of discerning of spirits. You will also receive study notes for each session.
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