Healing in His Wings - Matt Sorger (MP3)
Healing in His Wings
Healing in His Wings is a prophetic healing soaking album that ushers you into a living encounter with the healing presence of Jesus Christ. On this album Matt combines worship, beautiful instrumental music including the guitar and mandolin along with many other heavenly sounds, healing scriptures, spontaneous healing prayers and prophetic song to bring you on a journey of healing for the spirit, soul, body and mind. This album is a powerful combination of both the biblical healing word and the manifest healing presence of Christ.
1. At His Feet
2. Only Believe
3. The Hem Of His Garment
4. The Healing Command
5. Still Waters
6. The River Of Life - Click Here to listen.
7. The Angelic Host
8. The Compassion Of Christ
9. The Healing Commission
What Others Are Saying:
"I have been in meetings where Matt Sorger moved powerfully in the realm of God's glory and healing. His CD Healing In His Wings is a tool through which this anointing can flow into your hearts and lives right where you are at. Matt Sorger is fresh, cutting-edge, vibrant, and passionate for the things of the Kingdom." - Patricia King, Extreme Prophetic
"So many ministries that focus on healing very rarely come out with materials that are new or unique. This CD is a fresh wind of creativity inspired by scripture that will soak those desiring to be healed in the atmosphere of healing power of our great beloved Jesus. The CD will also bring those who are hungry to pray for those who need healing into a deeper meditation on the anointing. What a tool for the body of Christ, not a re-creation of everything that is already out there, but fresh bread from Heaven!" - Shawn Bolz
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